If a time (or expense) entered, is billable is usually derived from the Project, Project Line, Activity Type, and Break Meal Rule - but can be overwritten in the timesheet (if enabled).  There are three options:

  • Billable (Yes) - the time/expense is invoiced
  • Not Billable (No) - the time/expense is not invoiced
  • No Charge (NoCharge) - the time/expense is listed in the invoice, but with a 0 amount. 

If the T+E Item has no Account reference, it is not billable.

Billable Default Sources


The billable flag on Project-level is the default for new Project Lines. Changing the billable flag on Project does not change any existing data (e.g. Project Lines).

The billable flag on Project Line level is the default for new T&E Items. Changing the billable flag on Project Line does not change any existing data (e.g. T&E Items).

Activity Type

You can overwrite the Billable option in the Activity Type.

Break+Meal Rule

If a Break+Meal Rule is selected (see details), it overwrites the Billable selection based on the Work Status.


If none of the above specified a Billable default and an Account is referenced (e.g., via Case or Opportunity), You can define a fallback value via > Setup > Custom Settings -- Manage Accorto Settings.

Set the T&E Item Billable Default to either Yes, No, or NoCharge

Updating the Billable Flag

After the T+E Item has been created, you have several options to update the Billable flag.


To update the Billable flag for particular records, go to the Tab Pre-Billing.

Select the project and project line for the Query. Note by default, only approved Items are displayed;
select "Include Not Approved" in the Query section.

Then select the T&E Items you want to update in the Details section. Then click on "Update T&E Items".

Mass Update

In the T+E List view, select Mass Update - this allows you to query T+E Records with particular values and then set the Billable options for those records - see details

Project - Update T+E Items

For a particular Project, you can set the Billable flag for the T+E Records referencing that Project (and lines) to the default value of the Project and Project Line.  In the Project record, click on the link Update T+E Items

Reset T+E Item Billable

In the records of 

  • Project
  • Project Line
  • Activity Type
  • Break+Meal Rule

click on the link Reset T+E Item Billable


You can select the update scope - All - Not Invoiced or the default Not Approved.

The number of impacted records is displayed in the info.

The Update sets the Billable flag based on the current values of the default sources.

Reset T+E Item Billable API

You can start a batch process to reset the Billable flag of the T+E Item via Apex:

Id recordId = x; // required id of any reference in TE_Item__c 
    // project, resource, case,...
String scope = null; // default: 'NA' = Not Approved - or 'NI' - Not Invoiced or 'ALL'

String msg = accorto.TEItemDefault.startBatch(recordId, scope);