You can create Invoices from

  • Opportunities
  • Projects - fixed price or time & material
  • Time+Expense Reports
or manually.

Calculate Billing and Cost Rate

Invoice Price

Billing Rate

Resources can have Prices in multiple currencies and prices for specific Accounts or Projects. A user can also be linked to multiple Resources, e.g. for different roles like consultant and project manager.

For details see Resource Pricing in Resource.  The resource price currency must match the project/invoice currency.

If you specified a Project Line, if defined, the Project Line Unit Price will be used (i.e. the price on Project Line has the highest priority).

If resource prices are used, you can add overhead by using an Activity Type with an overhead percent or you can specify an exact amount in Resource Pricing. If an exact amount is used, the overhead percent is ignored.

Pricing priority:

  • Project Line
    • Fixed Charge Amount
      (i.e. not invoiced by hours)
    • Unit Price 
  • Resource Price for Project and Activity Type
  • Resource Price for Project
  • Resource Price for Contract and Activity Type
  • Resource Price for Contract
  • Resource Price for Account and Activity Type
  • Resource Price for Account
  • Resource Price for Activity Type
  • Resource Price (general)

You can reference a Contract in the Project and or Invoice.

The Activity Type is often used to indicate overtime, travel or premium time (e.g. work on weekends, holidays or outside normal business hours). This allows to define prices and costs with specific amounts.  Alternatively, you could use the overhead field on the Activity to calculate the amounts based on the percentage specified.

If there is no Resource Price for the priority level (Project, Contract, Account, General) with an Activity Type, the price without the Activity Type is used and if there is an Overhead defined on the Activity Type, the overhead percentage is added.


You can invoice expenses and also add overhead by using an Activity Type with an overhead percent.  If the expense item is in a different currency, it is converted.


(see also Create Invoices from Time+Expense Items)

In the tab Pre-Billing, you can query the time and material records, which will be used in invoice creation. You can use the tab to ensure

  • Completeness 
    • are all time and expense items created and approved
  • Billable
    • is it billable, not billable or invoiced w/o price (No Charge)
    • you can update the billing Flag
  • Billing Rate
    • based on pricing hierarchy (see above) and planned invoice date
  • Cost Rate - based on Resource Price

Query the records based on the targeted Invoice Date
- optionally select the billing Account, Project/Phase/Line and/or Resource.

You can restrict the Time+Expense Items by date range and also include Not Approved items to check completeness.

The Estimated Billing and Cost Rates are saved in the T+E Item for reporting purposes. You can also start the calculation via batch, which can also be scheduled to have up-to-date Billing and Cost Rates for reports.

Pre-Billing Results


You can update the billing flag, check the rates and the service total.

Use the Create Invoice link on the result to directly create an invoice with the query settings (project/line or account)

Depending on the volume of records to be invoiced, all the detail records cannot be displayed. The default limit is 600. If you encounter the "Maximum view state size limit (170KB) exceeded" error in the Pre-Billing, you can reduce the Accorto Parameters.