In many areas, Accorto can copy additional columns. There are two options:
- Copy Columns with the same name
- Copy Columns Explicitly
Copy Columns with the same Name
- Both Objects need to have Fields with the same API name (e.g. Description__c)
- The Fields must be the same Data Type (e.g. Number)
- One object needs to be derived from the other
We copy only custom fields (i.e. API name ends with __c).
Areas where this is currently used:
- T+E Item Split
- Invoice/Line clone
- Reverse Invoice
Copy Columns Explicitly
Areas where this is currently used:
- Create New Project from Template
- Project Line - Copy from Templates
- Invoice - Create from T+E Reports by Project (copies Project info)
> Setup > Custom Settings > Manage Accorto Copy Columns
View or create a new entry:
- Name: informational name
- Object Name: full API name of the Object
- Field Name: full API name of the Field
Here, we want to copy the 'MyCustomField__c' of the Project Line (full API name 'accorto__Project_Line__c'
Example to copy Project Field to Invoice:
- Name: Copy MyInfo from Project
- Object Name: accorto__Project__c
- Field Name: MyCustomColumn__c
This assumes that both Project and Invoice have the column MyCustomColumn__c - and use the Project based selection.