If a time (or expense) entered, is billable is usually derived from the project, but can be overwritten in the timesheet (if enabled).  There are three options:

  • Billable (Yes) - the time/expense is invoiced
  • Not Billable (No) - the time/expense is not invoiced
  • No Charge (NoCharge) - the time/expense is listed in the invoice, but with a 0 amount. 

Billable Project/Lines

If a project does not reference an Account, it is always not billable.

The billable flag on Project-level is the default for new Project Lines. Changing the billable flag on Project does not change any existing data (e.g. Project Lines).

The billable flag on Project Line level is the default for new T&E Items. Changing the billable flag on Project Line does not change any existing data (e.g. T&E Items).

Billable T&E Items

When you save a new T&E Item - and a Project/Line is referenced, we check the Billable selection on Project Line - and if not defined on Project level.

If enabled, the billable options are displayed in the Timesheet and the user can update it. If the Project does not have an account, the billable flag always reverts to No.

Updating T&E Items

You can update the Billable selection in T&E Items also after the items are submitted.

This can be done in the standard T&E Item tab (one-by-one), but also for multiple records in the Pre-Billing Tab (requires Accorto Administrator permissions).

To update e.g. the Billable flag for a particular project or project line, un the Tab Pre-Billing select the project and project line for the Query. Then select the T&E Items you want to update in the Details section. Then click on "Update T&E Items".

Note by default only approved Items are displayed, just select "Include Not Approved" in the Query section.