For a resource, you can define one or more (hourly) customer Billing Rate with a starting date. You can specify a special rate for specific combinations of Account, Contracts, Project, with or without an Activity Type.

The Billing Rate is calculated if there is no Unit Price or Fixed Price defined on the Project Line - for details see Billing.

As an alternative to entering prices for individual resources, you can also define prices for Resource Roles.

The Rate Management page allows you to view, create, and maintain resource prices easily.

Also, a Cost Rate per hour is maintained and can be used, e.g. for payroll or paying contractors.  The default cost rate is defined on the Resource record and if defined in the Resource price follows the same logic as for calculating the Billing Rate.

The Activity Type is often used to indicate overtime, travel, or premium time (e.g. work on weekends, holidays, or outside normal business hours). This allows defining prices and costs with specific amounts.  Alternatively, you could use the overhead field on the Activity to calculate the amounts based on the percentage specified.

In a multi-currency organization, you can define the price for different currencies. When creating an invoice, the resource price in the currency of the invoice currency is used.

For cost handling, see the details here.

Resource Pricing

Resource Price

Rate Hierarchy

For billing, the price for a resource is determined as follows (priority ordered):

  • Project Line
    • Fixed Charge Amount (i.e. not invoiced by hours)
    • Unit Price 
  • Resource Price for Project / Activity Type
  • Resource Price for Contract / Activity Type
  • Resource Price for Account / Activity Type
  • Resource Price / Activity Type

Prices can have a start (effective) date and need to match the currency.


Resource Prices

In this example, the Standard price of $100 is used for all Accounts, Projects other than Beths.  If the Account is Beths, the billing rate is $110, but for the special Beth Project, the rate is $120.

Rate Hierarchy


Resource prices have a currency. If there are multiple currencies for the resource/account/project, the rate is used which matches the currency of the invoice.

Update Resource Prices for T+E Items

After changing the price/cost, they will be applied to new Time+Expense Items.

To update existing prices/costs in T+E Items, one option is to use Pre-Billing. It will show when prices were changed.

You can also query the records by Resource, Project, Account to be updated/checked.  The rates for Invoiced T+E Items are not changed.

In addition to the Pre-Billing, the (new) resource prices are applied to T+E Items

  • Project (Line) Update Actuals
  • Scheduling the Apex Class TEPreBillingUpdate

Update Project Line Unit Price

If you have a resource assigned to a Project Line, you may want to update the Unit Price for these Project Lines.

On the Project, click the Rescalculate Line Unit Prices link.

Another option would be to use the related list for Resource > Project Lines and create a View to include/update the Unit Price.

Expense Fixed Amount Overwrite

For expenses, you can overwrite fixed amounts, e.g. for Mileage, Per Diem

for a Resource and also for specific Project, Account, etc.

For this, use the 

  • Cost Rate/h = Employee Expense Amount (reimbursed)
  • Billing Rate = Invoiced Expense Amount

You can also define the Fixed Amount in specific Currencies.